"The hills are alive, with the sound of music..." Woops, wrong musical. Red and I are going to try out for Temple Civic Theatre's summer production of "South Pacific" by Rodgers & Hammerstein. South Pacifc is one of my favorite productions, as well as "Sound of Music". We did "The King & I" last summer and enjoyed it. It was a lot of work but it was great! Red and I laughed, cried, grinded our teeth, but still enjoyed it. There are really only a few main roles, the
rest are just background or fillers. I think Red will get Nellie Forbush, and she would be so fantastic! I was thinking about trying out for it, but I would feel extremely uncomfortable kissing another guy. Just imagine, my husband sitting in the audience on Opening Night and having to watch me kiss someone other than him. I don't want to do that to my husband. And that is why I would be a horrible actress. To me a kiss is so personal and intimate and private. Sharing that w
ith someone other than the man I am married to, would probably hurt me more than it would him. Just seeing his facial expression of surprise or even hurt would kill me. Zac is a very understand person, and I wouldn't ever want to hurt him or disappoint him. He knows how scared to death I am about him ever cheating on me, even though I know he w
ouldn't ever do that to me. Just my past history keeping that wall up. Anyways, back on subject...there is Nellie, Bloody Mary, Liat (I think that is her name) are really the only leading female roles. I would suck as Bloody Mary, and Liat doesn't speak really, which would be ok with me. But I'm just hoping I don't have to make my hair black, oh Lord, that was an awful experience, and not really one I would like to repeat. But if I have to, I have to, right? But lets start with the audition first, and hopefully this time I won't cry in the middle of my audition. That was an awful experience. I still can't believe I did that. The more I talk about this, the more I am going to talk myself out of doing the audition...so I am going to quit now. Later.

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