My sister's boyfriend, Kevin, sent this to me today and I thought it was weird but so funny. What are you?
Pick the month you were born:
January------I kicked
February-----I loved
March---------I karate chopped
April-----------I licked
May-----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena with
August-------I had lunch with
September---I danced with
October------I sang to
November----I yelled at
December----I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a snowman
6-------a gangster
7-------my cell phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbor
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
19------- a smurf
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an ipod
29-------a surfer
30-------a llama
31-------A homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White--------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll
Pink----------because I'm NOT crazy
Red----------because the voices told me to
Blue----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help
Purple--------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader
Yellow-----because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange-------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway
Brown--------because I can
Other---------because I'm a Ninja
None----------because I can't control myself
Monday, April 09, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
IT'S SNOWING!!! It is April 7th, 2007 in Belton, Texas, and it is SNOWING! IT IS APRIL DANG IT! What in the world happened. Red said it is hell freezing over. Yep, well hell is freezing over in an easter basket. Goodness!
Today was supposed to be the Easter Egg Hunt at UMHB for the little ones. Red and I were going to take Munchkin because it was going to be her first egg hunt. Well for some strange reason, we woke up with it being 40 degrees outside and raining and sleeting with the occasional snowflake. THIS IS TEXAS FOR GOODNESS SAKE, AND it is APRIL! lol. I seriously thought things couldn't get much more interesting or weird today. NOPE! Completely wrong.
We finished with the Easter Egg Hunt, which was moved to the Church gym, due to weather conditions, and as we were leaving the church, it was sleeting pretty hard. Sleeting?!?!? At this point, Red and I looked at each other in amazement, like, "What in the world is going on here?" So we went to Walmart, grabbed the most sensible and acceptable lunch for this type of weather, Beef Stew. Yum, something hot and just settled us all for a nice warm nap. MMMM.

After naps, Red, Paige, Munchkin, Harold, Suzanne and I went to see "Meeting the Robinsons" tonight in Temple. Talk about a great movie. Red and I both looked at each other and said, "oh yeah, definitely buying this one too!" 

Well, after the movie, Munchkin decided to seriously warm up to Paige. I mean, she had him hold her, she laid her head on his shoulder, she rubbed her nose on his cheek, she hugged him, she laughed, she played with him. Yep, it is safe to say, Munchkin has Paige wrapped around her little two inch finger. Well, as soon as we walked out of the movie theatre, the Easter Bunny was sitting in his big green plush chair taking photographs with little kids, so of course, Paige took Munchkin to see him and take pictures. It was so cute.
Red and I just stood there admiring and awwing about how adorable those two looked together. They just looked like they belonged together. How absolutely adorable. They defnitely look like they fit together. He was so good with her and you can tell she adores him. What a nice fit. Red looked like she was going to collapse from how much of today was a God thing. God revealed so much to her today about Paige. They suite each other so much and I pray God blesses their friendship and if He wills it, their relationship.
Well, we walked outside, and OH MY GOODNESS it is just pouring snow. I don't mean the little snow flakes, like huge honkin snow flakes. The entire grounde was at least an inch or two deep of snow, my car covered in 2 inches of snow.
Harold had to get out and use his sleeve to get it off of my windsheild and other windows because I couldn't see out anywhere. lol. Well as Harold and I discuss our tactical plan of rolling up as many snowballs before Red, Paige and Munchkin got home it started snowing even harder. When Texans are not used to this type of weather and freak out if one snowflake hits the ground, yep, the road is a dangerous place to be since they don't know how to drive in it. We finally got home, and hurried as fast as possible balling up snowballs and stacking them before the rest of them got home. We had such a blast. Our hands were frozen, our heads were covered in snow, etc. I had so much fun. Finally, Paige, Red and Munchkin pulled into the driveway and Harold and I just ambushed them. IT WAS AWESOME!! We, meaning Harold and I, just pelted Red and Paige. It was awesome. We all had a blast just throwing snow balls at each other, laughing and have just a wonderful time. Munchkin even made her first Snow Angel. 
What a great day. Even from all of that fun, Harold, Suzanne, Me and Munchkin all ran inside from frozen hands and wet bodies from all of that snow. Well I walked by the front door and witnessed the moment that Paige grabbed Regina to kiss her. How CUTE!!! It was so sweet that after all of that fun, all that adrenaline pumping, she got a snowy kiss. Lucky her. At least someone got something. But seeing them kiss and have their incredibly sweet moment, made me miss Zac even more than I already do, and it made my heart ache. He'll be home tomorrow. It is so hard to believe we are going to married in 27 days. LORD, please bring it quickly and bless these days before our wedding, on our wedding day and the many days to come. Thank you so much for this beautiful weather, the wonderful snow, the cool nights and the fantastic day of fun and fellowship with our family and friends. Please keep those that are traveling safe and bless us tomorrow as we remember and praise the rising of your son Jesus. In your His precious name, AMEN!! Good night world, and Happy Easter!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
One Month month to go. I will be getting married in one month from today. These past 6 or 7 months, however long it has been, has been an interesting experience. Something I sware I NEVER want to do again. I asked Zac the other day, "please don't let me do this again." It is a process yes, but it is something I don't ever want to go through again. Once is enough to make any bride refrain from planning any wedding ever again. Red and I were talking about if she were to get married again, she wants a small little wedding, nothing big, and SIMPLE in the back yard of the house with a grill going preparing BBQ and steaks for everyone. That is a fantastic idea! You go girl! But thankfully, I only have a month to go, and then it will be all over. Zac was saying that he wanted to go to bed early after the wedding. I just laughed, but I can understand. I just told him, try doing this by yourself for 5 months. Yes it is getting increasingly harder now that we are closer to the wedding, but after being under constant attack by family and the enemy, I have become so worn out and stretched way too thin. I've gotten to the point where I cry even more at the drop of a hat. Every little bump in the road and I want to throw my hands up and give up. But I know that isn't the answer. I am not going to give the enemy audience and he is not allowed to touch me. I just need to take a deep breath and pray constantly.
Today, for instance, one of my bridesmaids sent me an email saying that she was going to pester me because it was a couple of weeks before the Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party, and I needed to get the details about the day. What in the HECK!?!? I didn't know that the bride was supposed to plan her own Bachelorette Party. I just want to go to Carlos n Charlies in Austin, see the band that is playing and eat and have drinks and have a great time! What else do I need to say?!?! Do I need to arrange the carpool as well? Do I need to arrange babysitters? Do I need to arrange every specific detail of everything? I'm tired of having to do everything by myself. Why not add something else on my plate, with EVERYTHING ELSE that I have to do? If there is something else that has to be added for ME to plan, I'm just not going to do it. I don't have time. I'm losing sleep over all of this and I am making myself a anxious emotional wreck. The encouragements I have gotten are from my sister, Red and Zac. If I didn't have them I don't know what I would do.
Slowly things are coming into place. I am meeting with my pianist today, and hopefully, he knows how to play everything that I requested and then that will be something I don't have to worry about. Then I have to take the music list that I want, take it to church to have it approved. Today is a busy day. Hopefully it will be a good one. God please bless my day today, go ahead of me and meet me at the end LORD. I need your help. Please help me, guide me, protect me and keep the enemy away from me and those around me. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!
Today, for instance, one of my bridesmaids sent me an email saying that she was going to pester me because it was a couple of weeks before the Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party, and I needed to get the details about the day. What in the HECK!?!? I didn't know that the bride was supposed to plan her own Bachelorette Party. I just want to go to Carlos n Charlies in Austin, see the band that is playing and eat and have drinks and have a great time! What else do I need to say?!?! Do I need to arrange the carpool as well? Do I need to arrange babysitters? Do I need to arrange every specific detail of everything? I'm tired of having to do everything by myself. Why not add something else on my plate, with EVERYTHING ELSE that I have to do? If there is something else that has to be added for ME to plan, I'm just not going to do it. I don't have time. I'm losing sleep over all of this and I am making myself a anxious emotional wreck. The encouragements I have gotten are from my sister, Red and Zac. If I didn't have them I don't know what I would do.
Slowly things are coming into place. I am meeting with my pianist today, and hopefully, he knows how to play everything that I requested and then that will be something I don't have to worry about. Then I have to take the music list that I want, take it to church to have it approved. Today is a busy day. Hopefully it will be a good one. God please bless my day today, go ahead of me and meet me at the end LORD. I need your help. Please help me, guide me, protect me and keep the enemy away from me and those around me. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!
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