Everyone is putting up their Christmas trees and lights, wreaths and National Lampoons Christmas decorations in the front yard for all to see. Seeing all of this festive holiday cheer automatically reminded me of a song I used to hear when I was younger called "The Twelve Pains of Christmas" , and luckily I found it online on YouTube.
Well, just recently my sister was on Good Morning Arkansas promoting her new CD and will be having her concert this coming weekend. I can't believe my sister is getting famous! LOL, she told me she just finished mastering her CD this week and that her CD covers are all done. I am so excited for her. Hopefully she will get a record deal and get out of that hell hole where she lives away from all the people that are sucking her down in her life. She is an incredible woman and she has nothing but people or should I call them "crabs" that want to bring her down into their world. I got out of there as soon as I could and it was the best decision I ever made. If I had stayed I would probably would have been dead or killed myself. YUCK! Anyways, she is so excited about her exciting debut. Way to go baby sis'!
Wedding plans are going ok, it is kind of in a rut at the moment, mainly because I am trying to refrain from buying anything for the wedding. EEEKKK, do you know how bad that feels to a shopaholic? Since I have reached my limit on my credit card, I can't spend anymore money. I am so pissed off and angry at myself for doing that. My fiance is helping me out by paying for some of the wedding stuff I have already purchased. eeekkk! I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself. There, now that I have that out into the open. I actually would prefer to bash my head into a brick wall a couple of times and call it a day. But no. I can't, unfortunately. I have been such a sour and bitter person the past 2 days and I have no idea where it came from. I kind of want to scream at a certain STUPID person for being so damn...well you get the hint. And I am ready for the wedding to get here already. I think mainly why I am so dang sour is because of the money thing. I am just so angry at myself. As they say, we are our own worst critic. I am just so thankful that I am marrying a man that is extremely smart with money and learns from others mistakes instead of having to learn himself, especially when it deals with money. I even told him not to give me or trust me with a credit card with we get married. I am extremely irresponsible with it and I don't want the guilt of being an irresponsible steward on my conscience.
Anyways, so I am sitting here listening to Christmas music, not in the Christmas spirit, watching the clock and eagerly anticipating 5pm to get here so that I can bolt out of the doors and head home. I'm tired of sitting here wincing everytime my name is called. Sorry folks, in an extremely sour mood, so hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Hopefully!
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