"It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring...." unless it is munchkin. lol
I am so thankful for this time of year. The weather is cool, well in Texas you would be lucky if it got cold, most people are a hospitable, homes are decorated in christmas lights, Snowmen, Santa Clause's all over the place, the Salvation Army with their bells at every store, hanging of Christmas Trees and decorations, Christmas plays, and of course every store being bombarded by people looking for that right gift for their loved ones. *giggle* It always makes me laugh when I see sales at like Dillards, or JCPenney, where there are lines to get into the front door to get that early bird special. Wow, has Christmas really come down to this. Christmas used to be about Love, Compassion, Joy, Hope, Peace, Rejoicing the birth of our Savior. Now it has been resulted to jammed stores and rude attitudes. But you know what, I am am Christmas finatic! Meaning, when it is October, I want to put up my Christmas decorations. *giggle* Is that so bad? Well to Red, it is ludacris. lol. What can I say, I'm nuts. Anyways, Christmas is my favorite time of year because, it is the happiest time

This weekend Red and I are going to be putting up Christmas decorations, YEAH! I am so excited I can't contain myself. *grin* eeeekk, we'll get the guys to come over and put decorations on the house, like christmas lights. Let the guys get on the roof and try not to fall off, not us girls. I'm so mean. *giggle* The one thing I hate doing, is putting on the christmas tree lights. I absolutely hate it. It always scratches my hands, and then it hurts for a couple of days. That is not my idea of fun. So I will be letting someone else do that this year. At least the house won't look like National Lampoons Christmas. Believe it or not, my aunt and uncle actually do that stuff. That is just crazy. Why inrease your electric bill and possibly blow up your house to make it look like the Grizwalds. YUCK! No thank you! Who ever said that our relatives were sane. lol. Anyways, 48 days until Christmas! Bring on the Eggnog!
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