Anyways, today has been good, in the process of find a photographer. Having to pay for my wedding is going to suck. My parents unfortunately can't pay for anything with the wedding, so I am on my own. The church is paid for, now all I need to pay for is my dress, the flowers, the cakes, the desserts for the reception, the reception hall, the candles, some decorations, my gifts for my bridal party, and the list goes on. I have 7 months. Which I think I have enough time, but how am I going to pay for all of that? I can't save that much money. I'm just the wrong person to save, PERIOD! I have a major spending problem anyways. Hey, what can I say, I'm a girl!! lol. But here is what I have so far:
My Cake:

My ring:

My bridesmaids dresses will be red, of course. *giggle* But I think things will turn out ok, or at least I hope....*nervous laugh*
This weekend Red and I had a great weekend. We had a day of relaxing on saturday and did nothing but watch movies and SCRAPBOOK! It was awesome. Munchkin was at Nana's and so Red and I just talked and bonded in a way we haven't really been able to do in a long while. It was absolutely wonderful and I had a great time! Anyways, we were scrapbooking, watching Lord of the Rings, one of my favorite movies, and all of a sudden I started to think about the honeymoon. Of all things, the honeymoon and what happens on the honeymoon popped into my head. And silly me, I actually asked Red about honeymoon I guess you could say etiquette. LOL. That sounds like a major oximoron. (is that how you spell it). But I felt so stupid, Red got a good laugh out of it, which is great. But seriously, most people don't know what the answer is to some of the questions I asked. Or at least it is not something you really think about. lol. Ok, enough of honeymoons, it is starting to make me queesy. lol, j/k, more like embarassed.
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