Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Monday was one of those days where you wish you were in bed, in your pajamas and asleep. But unfortunately for those that are a part of the working world, rainy days aren't an excuse to stay home in bed. Well, we have been having the weirdest weather and a lot of rain for that matter. Monday was one of those days. Pouring down rain about every 15 minutes, lightening, and thunder. It was great, until I had to go and get in it. Rainy days are usually the days that I tend to wear a skirt and flip flops, so that way, I don't have to worry about any of my nice work shoes getting soaked with water. Then I would be walking around wish squishy shoes, which is not comfortable. Even the thought of it is just gross. lol. Well, I had to go to Hobby Lobby and Staples, usually my once a week errand for work. So I get over there, and it isn't raining yet, I grab my umbrella and walk into Staples. As soon as I walk up to the counter a couple of minutes later to check out, a waterfall of water just comes down. I laugh and all of a sudden I get a serious look on my face and realize, I have to go back out there. I have on my long black pants, and my nice Kenneth Cole slip ons. CRAP! But thankfully I have my umbrella with me. Yeah right, like that helped me at all. You know, the whole point of an umbrella is to keep you dry, keep the water off of you, etc. Nope, I think whomever invented the umbrella must have done it as a joke because they thought it would be funny to see people walk around all day with the top part of someone dry, and the bottom half completely drenched. lol. Well, I get my umbrella out and prepare myself for being soaked. And boy did I get soaked. I get my car door open, sit down with my umbrella still up between the car door and me, preparing to close it and get it in the car before my car fills up with water, *giggle* and as soon as I close my umbrella to pull it inside it was as if someone had turned on the water hose and aimed at me and open car door. I sat in my car after closing the door laughing because I had to go to another store on the opposite of this stripmall. Staples is on one side and Hobby Lobby is on the other. Oy! Well anyways, I get park at Hobby Lobby next to this big Red Tahoe which obviously, like most people in this town don't know how to do, was parked crooked. So my little Honda was kind of wedged between these two big cars, which left me about less than a foot to be able to open my car door without hitting the car next to me, get my umbrella out and squeeze me out while trying to stay dry. Not possible. lol. I get quickly, sort of, to the best of my ability and run towards the store, my umbrella gets pulled in different directions except above me. So while trying to keep the umbrella over my head, face drenched, pants soaked, my shoe comes off in the middle of the street. I'm limping along towards the store, wondering where my shoe went. I run back into the middle of the street hobbling along, slip my shoe on, in the meantime I'm betting the people that are waiting and watching in the foyer of Hobby Lobby are getting a great laugh as they watch this shlup trying to find her shoe in the rain. So I get in the store, and of course I am right, there are bunch of people watching me with this smirk on their faces like, "better you than me". Oh well. It had to happen to someone, and at least it gave me something funny to write about. Thank God for rainy days. Next time, I'll make sure to wear my flip flops and a skirt, just imagine what would happen then. Oy!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
***You Are a Dreaming Soul***
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this worldSo much so that you tend to live in your head most of the timeYou have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?
Monday, March 12, 2007
Golden Retriever
You scored 30% Otter, 35% Lion, 40% Beaver, and 80% Golden Retriever!

"Let's keep things the same." You're a golden retriever. Golden retrievers appreciate the value of a close relationship, and can deal with commitment. You're thoughtful, nurturing and tolerant... people know that they can go to you if they need to be comforted. However, your caring nature may make it difficult to say no, and your sensitivity can cause you to get hurt a lot. Golden Retrievers are very adaptable, compassionate, and great team players. For a long-term relationship, Golden Retrievers should avoid the bold, assertive lion. They get along better with the inquisitive beaver, or the optimistic otter.
Want to know what you are, take the test:
The Animal Personality Test
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Yesterday, Zac and I had our first session of Pre-Marriage Counseling, which is required at my church, with Pastor Andy. It was so wonderful! Andy is such an incredible Godly man, and I am so thankful for him. I thought it would be so difficult for me to open up to him and talk to him about my life and our relationship, but amazingly enough, it was so easy! He was so sweet and kind, gentle. I was even amazed that he knew my name when he saw me. Red was telling me this morning that I wouldn't put it past him that he probably knows more about me than I think. She was saying that he has a Shepard gift, and like any good Shepard, they know everything about their flock. WOW! I thought that was so cool the way she said that.
We started out by him getting to know us separately, from when we were born up until now. Then we talked about how we met. I almost cried a couple of times because when I describe how I fell in love with Zac and how much of a blessing he has been to my life, I always get misty. Andy talked to us about the important things that we would be discussing in these sessions:
1) Spiritual & Communication
2) Finances
3) The Home & Family
I loved every minute of it. It really didn't feel like it was only an hour. So I am really looking forward to the next session. But he did give us homework. Our homework was to compile a budget starting after the wedding, and then to read Ephesians 5:21-33 about Husbands and Wives. So next session will be in a couple of weeks, 1 down, 2 to go.
We started out by him getting to know us separately, from when we were born up until now. Then we talked about how we met. I almost cried a couple of times because when I describe how I fell in love with Zac and how much of a blessing he has been to my life, I always get misty. Andy talked to us about the important things that we would be discussing in these sessions:
1) Spiritual & Communication
2) Finances
3) The Home & Family
I loved every minute of it. It really didn't feel like it was only an hour. So I am really looking forward to the next session. But he did give us homework. Our homework was to compile a budget starting after the wedding, and then to read Ephesians 5:21-33 about Husbands and Wives. So next session will be in a couple of weeks, 1 down, 2 to go.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
How City/Country are you?
How CITY are you?
[x] I've been to Starbucks more than once in my life.
[x] I link arms when I walk with someone.
[ ] I shop at AE, A&F, or HCO.
[ ] I own 2 or more polo shirts.
[x] I will never be caught without my cell phone.
[ ] I straighten or blow dry my hair on a daily basis.
[ ] I wear flip flops no matter what the weather.
[ ] I own an oversized pair of sunglasses.
[ ] I own 1 or more pairs of ripped jeans.
[x] I layer my shirts
[ ] I have/had a "Myspace mirror pic".
[x] When I'm not drinking starbucks, I prefer water.
[x] I get annoyed with tom-boys.
[x] I own an oversized bag or purse.
[ ] I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach.
[ ] My new fav. is the Hills.
[x] I say "lol" in online chat.
[x] I own tight jeans
total: 5
[x] I wear large necklaces.
[ ] I own an iPod/mp3 player.
[x] I have the internet.
[x] have more than 1 AIM screen name.
total: 3
[ ] I have said "lol" or "OMG!" in a real conversation.
[x] I love shopping.
[x] I shop whenever I have a chance.
[ ] I own a bathing suit that cost 100 dollars or more.
[x] I have watched the Simple Life.
TOTAL:: 15***add x's and multiply by 3 and put I'm ...45% City
How COUNTRY Are You?
I have..
[x] Ridden a horse.
[ ] Owned a horse.
[ ] Owned land.
[x] Been 4 wheeling.
[x] Said "ain't".
[ ] Been cow-tipping.
[ ] Been deer hunting.
[x] Been swimming in a lake.
[x] Caught a fish.
[ ] Seen a deer get skinned.
[ ] Skinned a deer.
total: 5
[x] Have worked on a ranch or on land.
[x] Have lived in a house in the middle of nowhere.
[ ] Have been duck hunting.
[x] Have went swimming in a river.
[x] Driven a truck.
[ ] Own a rebel flag.
[ ] Own a rebel flag Zippo.
[x] Like to fish.
[x] Have a funny accent..or people have told you that.
[x] Owned a pair of cowboy boots.
[x] Own/owned a cowboy hat.
[ ] Own/have owned a big dog.
[x] Say "y'all".
[x] Have been made fun of for sayin "y'all".
total: 10
You also...
[x] Cuss when you're mad.
[ ] Have dipped/dip snuff.
[x] Go/have gone to Church on Sunday morning and night andWednesday night and are "Southern Baptist".
[ ] Owned/own a bird.
[ ] Have riddin' a horse to somewhere in town.
[x] Have gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch.
[x] Have eaten deer meat.
[x] Have shot a gun.
[ ] Own/owned a gun.
[x] Parked your vehicles in the yard.
[x] Have eaten chitlins.
[ ] Have eaten liver.
total: 7
[ ] Have gone shopping..for a gun.
[ ] Get the kids in your family a toy gun for Christmas.
[ ] Unloaded straw.
[ ] Own more than two selfdone sleevless, name brand shirts that have oil stains on them.
[x] Know what stirrups are.
[ ] Have fed the deer.
[ ] Have/had dog named Buddy.
Total: 23***add x's and multiply by 3 and put I'm ...69% Country
[x] I've been to Starbucks more than once in my life.
[x] I link arms when I walk with someone.
[ ] I shop at AE, A&F, or HCO.
[ ] I own 2 or more polo shirts.
[x] I will never be caught without my cell phone.
[ ] I straighten or blow dry my hair on a daily basis.
[ ] I wear flip flops no matter what the weather.
[ ] I own an oversized pair of sunglasses.
[ ] I own 1 or more pairs of ripped jeans.
[x] I layer my shirts
[ ] I have/had a "Myspace mirror pic".
[x] When I'm not drinking starbucks, I prefer water.
[x] I get annoyed with tom-boys.
[x] I own an oversized bag or purse.
[ ] I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach.
[ ] My new fav. is the Hills.
[x] I say "lol" in online chat.
[x] I own tight jeans
total: 5
[x] I wear large necklaces.
[ ] I own an iPod/mp3 player.
[x] I have the internet.
[x] have more than 1 AIM screen name.
total: 3
[ ] I have said "lol" or "OMG!" in a real conversation.
[x] I love shopping.
[x] I shop whenever I have a chance.
[ ] I own a bathing suit that cost 100 dollars or more.
[x] I have watched the Simple Life.
TOTAL:: 15***add x's and multiply by 3 and put I'm ...45% City
How COUNTRY Are You?
I have..
[x] Ridden a horse.
[ ] Owned a horse.
[ ] Owned land.
[x] Been 4 wheeling.
[x] Said "ain't".
[ ] Been cow-tipping.
[ ] Been deer hunting.
[x] Been swimming in a lake.
[x] Caught a fish.
[ ] Seen a deer get skinned.
[ ] Skinned a deer.
total: 5
[x] Have worked on a ranch or on land.
[x] Have lived in a house in the middle of nowhere.
[ ] Have been duck hunting.
[x] Have went swimming in a river.
[x] Driven a truck.
[ ] Own a rebel flag.
[ ] Own a rebel flag Zippo.
[x] Like to fish.
[x] Have a funny accent..or people have told you that.
[x] Owned a pair of cowboy boots.
[x] Own/owned a cowboy hat.
[ ] Own/have owned a big dog.
[x] Say "y'all".
[x] Have been made fun of for sayin "y'all".
total: 10
You also...
[x] Cuss when you're mad.
[ ] Have dipped/dip snuff.
[x] Go/have gone to Church on Sunday morning and night andWednesday night and are "Southern Baptist".
[ ] Owned/own a bird.
[ ] Have riddin' a horse to somewhere in town.
[x] Have gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch.
[x] Have eaten deer meat.
[x] Have shot a gun.
[ ] Own/owned a gun.
[x] Parked your vehicles in the yard.
[x] Have eaten chitlins.
[ ] Have eaten liver.
total: 7
[ ] Have gone shopping..for a gun.
[ ] Get the kids in your family a toy gun for Christmas.
[ ] Unloaded straw.
[ ] Own more than two selfdone sleevless, name brand shirts that have oil stains on them.
[x] Know what stirrups are.
[ ] Have fed the deer.
[ ] Have/had dog named Buddy.
Total: 23***add x's and multiply by 3 and put I'm ...69% Country
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