Why is it necessary to have family pictures everytime the family gets together. The first weekend in November is my grandparents anniversary...so you know what that means...PICTURES!!!! EEEEHHHHH! So of course, I get calls from the family stating, 'don't forget we have pictures....wear a long sleeve solid shirt and a black skirt...if you don't have one, go out and buy one...' Um..hello..I AM PLANNING A WEDDING DANG IT! I don't have the means to go out and buy a stupid new outfit just for a dumb picture. Thanks, but no thanks. I mean, don't get me wrong any excuse for me to go shopping is fine by me. But to satisfy their need to tell me what to do, is not ok with me. So, you know what I will be wearing? A 3/4 sleeve shirt and pants. HA! How's that?! *lol* I'm feeling ornery today, hahaha. It is such a great day today though. It is raining today, which is always good, because of course, Texas doesn't get very much of it. But this rain is bringing actual fall weather. Thank you God for supplying this rain. I woke up around 6:30 this morning and it was raining like crazy and lightning and thundering.

What a perfect way to start each day. Red said it is a perfect way to crawl back into bed and sleep. LOL. I would rather it rain and storm all day, than be blazing hot. YUCK! Oh well, Red said she felt like a drowned rat this morning because she got wet. I don't blame her. She was soaked. Me..I woke up, and of course, since it was raining I kept thinking, "oooooooohhh, fall weather is coming, bring on the sweaters!" I walk out of my room in a long sleeve button down shirt with a black sweater vest, black pencil skirt and my black knee high boots. tee hee. Red just laughed. She said something, which of course I can't remember, but it was funny. I can't wait for rainy days in Seattle! Bring on the Umbrellas!!!!